The only time Jose Mourinho cried after a defeat

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Jose Mourinho

Despite having overseen more than a thousand games as a manager, Jose Mourinho—dubbed the “Special One”—has never sobbed following a loss.

The 61-year-old is well-known for his amazing trophy collection after having successful stints at Chelsea, Inter Milan, and Real Madrid. He is currently unemployed after being removed from his duties at AS Roma.

During his three-year tenure at the Bernabeu, he recorded a victory rate of 71.9% with 128 victories, 28 ties, and 22 losses. Three of those losses occurred during the Champions League semifinals.

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In fact, the Portuguese manager was overtaken with emotion when Madrid lost to Bayern Munich in 2012 after a thrilling penalty shootout that featured a rare mistake by Cristiano Ronaldo from the spot.

Speaking to the Spanish news agency Marca, Mourinho said he cried after the heartbreaking loss to Bayern Munich in the Champions League semifinals that year.

He said: “Unfortunately, that’s football. Cristiano, Kaka, Sergio Ramos… three complete monsters of football, there’s no doubt about that, but they’re also human.

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“That night is the only time in my career as a coach that I’ve cried after a defeat. I remember it well…

“Aitor [Karanka] and I pulled up in front of my house, in the car, crying. It was very hard because we were the best that season.”

Subsequently, Mourinho told the Portuguese television station Sic that the Bayern loss was the lowest point in his career.

“If I have to choose the worst moment, it’s that elimination with Real Madrid,” he said.

“We were the best team in Europe, without a doubt, we won La Liga smashing all the records for points and goals and we would’ve won that final, I don’t have any doubt.

“What was most cruel for me was that in the shoot-out we chose Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka and Sergio Ramos, they were dead certs from the penalty spot and the guys who missed were those who never miss, it sunk me.”

By Shyam
Shyam Sharma who joined SPORTS BIG NEWS in 2021. Focuses on soccer – chiefly the Premier League, LaLiga, UEFA Champions League, Liga MX and MLS. On occasion, also covers American sports, general news and entertainment. Fascinated by the language of sport – particularly the under-appreciated art of translating cliché-speak.