When Cristiano Ronaldo Stood Up For A Boy Who Was Made Fun Of

4 Min Read
Cristiano Ronaldo

This article will tell you about the story when Cristiano Ronaldo came in defense of a Japanese boy

Every child boy’s ambition is to meet their favorite athlete, but few have the chance. But, while he stood in his room rehearsing, Ryota Iwaoka’s wish would soon come true.

The Japanese resident was one of three lucky winners chosen at random by a lottery to ask soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo any question.

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The former Premier League striker was in the country to promote a skin care product, and the lottery was staged to generate interest.

Ryota’s father advised that the inquiry be asked in Ronaldo’s native language of Portuguese. The child agreed and would spend hours practicing asking the question in a language he didn’t understand. Iwaoka could never have envisaged what would happen on that fateful day.

When the day came for Iwaoka to stand up, he did so nervously. Anyone in his situation would, leave alone asking a query in a language they had never heard of.

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Despite tripping over several sentences, he continued. Ronaldo looked at the youngster the entire time, smiling and nodding to demonstrate he understood.

However, when the child fumbled, some reporters in the audience began to laugh at his accent. As he turned to face the reporters, the Manchester United star defended him.

“Why they smile? You speak good Portuguese. Very good. They should be happy because you tried very hard,” he said.

When the crowd started cheering, Ronaldo returned to the boy’s question.

The boy asked: “You are my favorite player and I want to play alongside you. So, how can I become a professional?” That’s when Ronaldo provided him invaluable advise.

In high school, Iwaoka continued to train hard at soccer. However, he did not see any playing time until his third year.

When his team qualified for the national finals, Iwaoka was given the opportunity to play. He made the most of it, gaining valuable playing time throughout his team’s playoff run.

“I thought I would have the chance to prove myself in these three games and get to the championship I dreamed of. I believed in myself and I played with all my heart,” he said.

Cristiano Ronaldo Defends Young Japanese Fan
Cristiano Ronaldo Defends Young Japanese Fan

His confidence in himself paid off, as he was instrumental in his team’s championship victory. All of the laughter had given way to wild shouts. Iwaoka had been humbled.

“We became the best in Japan!!! I was able to win the championship thanks to the people who supported me for the past three years and those who attended the tournament safely. It was great to play with my friends,” he said.

What Does Ryota Iwaoka Do Now?

Iwaoka is still pursuing his aim of becoming a professional and one day playing alongside Ronaldo. Is there any reason to disbelieve him at this point?

Nobody said being teased was enjoyable. Teasing may steal dreams and squash them coldly. However, it can also be used to prove the critics wrong.

Finally, when you’re in the spotlight, you can’t avoid criticism. However, having people who will stand up for you and your dreams can provide encouragement to reach new heights.

By Shyam
Shyam Sharma who joined SPORTS BIG NEWS in 2021. Focuses on soccer – chiefly the Premier League, LaLiga, UEFA Champions League, Liga MX and MLS. On occasion, also covers American sports, general news and entertainment. Fascinated by the language of sport – particularly the under-appreciated art of translating cliché-speak.