Why footballer Bala Devi considers supermom Mary Kom as her inspiration

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Why footballer Bala Devi considers supermom Mary Kom as her inspiration

Mary Kom is an inspiration for Bala Devi and this is the reason behind Bala Devi’s choice

Bala Devi, one of India’s top female football player, said she draws inspiration from the legendary boxer MC Mary Kom, who despite being from an ordinary family has achieved unprecedented success as a player.

Bala, the first Indian woman footballer to play professional football in Europe’s top leagues, spoke to six-time world champion and Olympic bronze medalist Mary Kom during the 2014 Asian Games, saying, “Mary Kom is a big inspiration for me. She is from a very simple family, he broke so many records with her hard work. Even after becoming a mother, her records continued to break and make the country proud.”

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Bala Devi said to the All India Football Federation (AIFF) TV, “We had a conversation during the Asian Games in 2014 and I saw her training. She mixes very quickly and during the Games she also supported us.”

She said, “A lot of people greeted me after the goal and many were talking and writing about it, which made me very proud. After this I was nominated for ‘AFC Player of the Week’ and I am very happy to see my name in the list with so many great players.”

Let you know that Bala recently scored his first goal for Rangers FC while playing in the Scottish Women’s Premier League. He signed an 18-month contract with the Rangers in January.

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