This is strictest umpire in the cricket world, who listens to nobody

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This is the strictest umpire in the cricket world

Sports Desk – There is such a person on the cricket field that every player has to accept everything. Once he makes a decision, everything is valid. Yes, we are talking about the umpire. The umpire’s decision in the game matters a lot. There has been more than one umpire in cricket, which includes names like Tony Hill, Billy Boden, Aleem Dar. But there is a cricket umpire who does not listen to anyone.

We are talking about Australian umpire Daryl Harper. Daryl Harper is known for his tough decisions. One of his stories is still remembered today. In 2006, a test match was played between England and Pakistan team at the Oval ground. Daryl Harper was then suspected of tampering with the ball by Pakistani bowlers on the field. Darrell Harper took a tough decision on this, not only gave the England team batting five extra runs but also changed the ball. Pakistani players were angered by Darrell Harper’s decision.

Pakistani players refused to play on the field after the tee break. After this incident, his name became very famous in world cricket.

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Not only this, he described Muralitharan’s action as one of the world’s great spinners, a throwback. Daryl Harper once kept a sharp eye on Muralitharan’s action. Daryl Harper gave Muralitharan seven no balls in three overs. Due to this, he was very famous. Daryl Harper believed that Muralitharan did not bow his hand while bowling, instead he threw.

At the same time, Indian cricketers strongly criticized Australian umpire Daryl Harper for bad decisions in a cricket test against the West Indies.

By khushi
Khushi joined Sports Big News in 2022. She is an avid cricket and football lover who finds deep joy in the intricacies of the game. Through her keen observation and deep appreciation for cricket, she aims to incorporate the same level of accuracy in her writing. Through his keen observation and deep appreciation for cricket, Khushi seeks to infuse his writing with the same level of precision.