EPL stirred, records 112 positive Corona cases

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EPL stirred, records 112 positive Corona cases

EPL records 112 COVID-19 cases but haven’t revealed players and clubs

The Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in the England. The league reported on Friday that 112 positive cases had been reported during the most recent testing. However, the league has not revealed the players and clubs.

At the same time, the league has stated that clubs whose players have been infected with Corona have been asked to self-isolate for 10 days.

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The EPL said in its statement, ‘Corona test of 3507 players and staff from 66 clubs has been done, in which 112 positive cases have been reported. The league further said that we are following the protocol consistently and continue the fight against this virus.

Let you know that more than 2.8 million people have been infected with Corona so far in the UK and more than 78,000 people has died.

No fans are allowed to enter stadiums to watch matches in any of the Europe’s top 5 league.

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